
1) Vevo 2100 Heading link

Vevo 2100

FUJIFILM VisualSonics Vevo 2100 with transducers 550D, 400, 250D

2) Vevo F2 Heading link

2) Vevo F2

FUJIFILM VisualSonics Vevo F2 with transducers UHF71X, UHF57X, UHF29X, P5-1

3) Lago X Heading link

3) Lago X

LagoX (Spectral Instruments) for bioluminescence, fluorescence and X-ray in vivo imaging

4) Large animal transducer Heading link

4) Large animal transducer

SONOSITE FUJIFILM P5-1 transducer for large animals

5) Flexivent system Heading link

5) Flexivent system

FlexiVent for in vivo rodent lung function measurements (SCIREQ)

6) Air blood gas analysis system Heading link

6) Air blood gas analysis system

GEMĀ® Premier 3000 (Instrumentation Laboratory) for arterial blood gas assays

7) CODA system Heading link

7) CODA system

CODA Non-Invasive Blood Pressure Monitoring System (Kent Scientific Inc)

8) Treadmill Heading link

8) Treadmill

Exer-3/6 treatmill with a treadmill controller (Columbus Instruments)

9) Millar system Heading link

9) Millar system

ADInstruments PowerLab 4/35 and Millar MPVS Ultra Foundation system